Thursday, 6 October 2016

Lung Yik - Steak House in Bang Saen, Thailand

I want to write about our favourite Western food in Thailand we have come across so far called "Lung Yik - Steak House". It is located in the small seaside town called Bang Saen in the provence of Chon Buri or to make it simpler its in the middle of Bangkok and Pattaya and around 1 hours drive to get to from both these tourist destinations. The restaurant is quite easy to find, you walk away from the beach at the famous Bang Saen roundabout for around 100 yards and it looks like a small pop up restaurant with tables on the pavement all in orange on the right hand side of the road.

Now why is this our favourite place to eat western food you may ask? And the answer to us is quite simple. When you go to a western restaurant and you see every table full and people are waiting patiently and not going else where, now lets be honest there are so many places to eat anywhere in Thailand you will always find somewhere to eat, you know they must sell good and tasty food. And they do, we ourselves have waited for a table to come free so we can eat here and for us thats fine.

As you may maybe already know, one of us is Western and the other Asian, and we both love to eat western food from time to time and fried chicken and burgers hits the spot for us now and again. It makes a change from rice and noodles and this place delivers what we crave for. Now us being regular the boss who's name is "Nut", makes his way over and greets us every time. gives us a big smile, shakes our hand and makes us feel welcome, now we don't get special treatment over other customers, he treats them all the same and the waiter/server staff he hires works hard and gives everyone a nice dining experience.

Here you can get all kinds of western food from a small list of appetisers like mushroom soup and mash potato with gravy, to your main courses from spaghetti with different sauces, pork chops, beef steak, fried chicken, salmon fillet, different assortments of burgers (you can even get a burger without the bun and in place its a waffle, we have still yet to try that yet but its on the list). the list go's on. If you are feeling healthy they have salads here but in my opinion ask for the dressing to put on the side as there is a lot and maybe too much for some people. Every time we go, we always scratch our head and are looking what to order for sometime as the food here is all so good. If you can't decide what to have you can just get the big platter of food which costs 359 baht (i could be wrong with the price but its close to that figure) and this has everything on it, but its more of a sharing platter and could fill 4 people but seeing as us 2 are a bit greedy and the food is good we share it between us haha.

Overall and to end this short review we really do love this place and would be happy to travel a good distance to come and eat here, the food is so cheap, main courses start from around 79 baht each and the staff are so friendly and take good care of you. There is not much parking in front of the restaurant but being so close to the beach you can find parking there and have a very short distance to walk to. Don't be put off if there is a few people waiting for a table, there is a simple reason for this, the food is amazing (the chefs here deserve a lot of credit to be fair). If you do not wish to wait, put your order in and have a take away, sit on the beach watching the sunset always works as well.
Lastly i would recommend you give these guys a tip for a great meal and good service, you will see how hard they work when you go there, and for a small and in-expensive restaurant where the tables are on the pavement, this beats some of the higher end restaurants we have experienced in western side of the world. Best chicken burger which has a charcoal but we have ever tasted and we will leave you with note.

When you see this happy guy, you know you are here, and yes its the boss haha


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. These look super yummy! I lived in BKK for a while but didn't explore much outside of the city. The next time I'm back in the region, I'd like to try this place :)

  3. It looks great! Normally when we are in Thailand we cannot resist having thai food as it's our favourite! But this can be a good plan B! :)

  4. It's always good when you get acquainted with a particular place and the people there! The food looks delicious and the portion sizes huge! If I ever find myself in Bang Saen I'll be sure to check it out! Thanks for sharing 😊 Sharleen ♡

  5. Oh god, just coming from lunch and am already hungry again haha. And my view is just limited to the highway... will gladly keep in mind next time I'm traveling the area!

  6. This place looks so good! I didn't get the opportunity to stop on the anywhere from Bangkok to Pattaya because I took one of the mini vans to get to Pattaya before heading to Koh Larne. But next time I'm in Thailand I will definitely have to hire a car so I can try this place!

    Adventures in Aussieland

  7. This triggered my hunger pangs! Excellent food presentation.
    The ambiance there too seems good.

  8. The food looks spectacular. I agree that if you find a place where people are patiently awaiting their turn for a table, the food must be awesome. This is one barometer of the food quality of a place.

  9. Wow look at those portions! I always see a busy restaurant and think wow, that must be good but I am never patient enough to wait Perhaps I need to start doing so! I do miss western food when I am travelling.

  10. Man this looks so nice! When I was in Thailand, all I was focused on was getting enough Pad Thai for life haha. It looks like such a fun time!
